
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Doggie Cupcakes {for Harv's 5th birthday}

{Doggie cupcakes}
I'm not going to lie, I giggled to myself while making these. It seemed so silly to make cupcakes for the dog but it was so worth it to see the boys faces and excitement! And, making them was quick and easy. I used this recipe because it seemed clean and healthy. I modified it by throwing in a hand full of shredded carrots. You know, for extra nutrition! 

Yes, I am that person who makes cupcakes for the dog and has to make them healthy. Because I am secretly hoping our boys will live to be 100 years old!

Jackson really wanted to sneak a taste. 

Happy happy 5th birthday to Harv!

As I continue to giggle, remembering that this did happen.

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