
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Five things {from last Friday}

{wine cork tradition}
I love establishing traditions! This past week, I started a new one....saving the wine corks from memorable events with the date included. Currently displayed in a see through lamp base in our dining room.

{mason jar makeshift vase}
Because when you don't have another available base, this mason jar easily steps in for the challenge. Flowers are from the hubs for vday. He loves me....*blush*

{Hot pink nail}
Dita by Zoya. It's actually a tab bit bolder than the pic displays. Nice for vday/end of winter.

{cozy blankies and the furbaby that loves them too}
Meet our 2nd furbaby, Jackson. He loves to cuddle in our blankets, which we have several of draped over our and comfort. 

Little known fact: Jackson loves the blankets and Harvey loves the sofa pillows. Evidence against whoever said dogs/pets don't have personalities.

{washi tape wine glass markers}
Not sure where these came from but how simple and cute??

Also, I am happy to have finally given the blog design a makeover, which was.not.easy. Quite the learning curve, but I'm so thankful for all the people out there who have taken the time to educate others on how to customize their blog. Overall, I really did enjoy it, and I still have some work to do. So, bare with me as I continue the process of making changes!

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