
Friday, January 18, 2013

On juice fasting...

Ok, so here we go. As mentioned, I tried a mini juice fast last week. I ended up doing a total of 3 days--primarily just fresh juice with a few smoothies mixed in between. It was something I have been wanting to try, just to see. To have the experience and test a few theories. I will more than likely being doing it again at some point, maybe even longer next time.

So, here's the low down.

On Day 1- I felt great. I actually had more energy, probably because my body wasn't having to work so hard to digest everything. I was incredibly optimistic about my juice fast, thinking maybe I would make it longer. Towards dinner time, I noticed I had urges to eat something even when I was not actually hungry, which was definitely interesting and helpful for the future.

On Day 2- I woke up feeling fine, like normal. I did sleep a little bit longer than usual. My body had probably kicked it into repair mode. By lunch time though, I was really hungry, and hungry for real food, not juice. Juice was still appealing enough to me at this point though, so I powered through. Come afternoon, I broke down and had a smoothie, just for something different and more substantial. At this point, I also started to get brain fog, which from doing a detox before, I know is par for the course with me. It made me sleepy and not very productive. If you ever do a juice fast, I recommend you do it when you don't have a lot going on.

On Day 3- I woke up super tired, again probably my body processing. Still had the brain fog, which was the same as the day before. I hated not having the energy to get things done though because I like being productive. Overall, I felt like my "symptoms," not sure I would actually call them that, but I felt they were manageable. The real problem happened when I started to hate the juice. I just didn't want it and forced myself to suck it down. Some may say, "Hey, but it's juice. Is it really that great?", but prior to this mini juice fast I was actually ENJOYING a glass or two of juice a day. So, that became a deal breaker for me and the fast. I didn't want to get to a point where I didn't like my juice anymore, so I decided to stop after 3 days. I was very happy to eat real food again!

What I learned.....
I eat when I am not hungry, but rather bored, irritated, or trying to put something off. No bueno. I'm sure I already knew this on some level, but it became blatantly obvious through the fast. Definitely going to have to work on that!

I don't have to eat as much as I think I do. I was prepared to be starving all day, everyday, but for the most part, drinking a glass of juice would take the hunger away. I did have to juice every 2 or 3 hours though.

I do have some food allergies, still working it out to what though. But my frequent post nasal drip stopped once I started juicing.

Take juice with you, if you go out to do any errands. I found myself getting really cranky with my stomach making obnoxious noises as I was out and about. You are supposed to drink juice right after you make it because the nutrients start to break down, but you can store it in a air tight container for some time, ideally refrigerated.

Leave the room when your husband is eating delicious, mouth-watering, real food. It's just not fair to torture yourself!

Also, if you want more information about juice fasting, I suggest doing some research beforehand. I recommend starting here with Joe Cross, who juiced for 60ish days. Craziness, I know. His documentary really is excellent for those interested. I was blown away by the transformation!

As I mentioned above, my juice fast confirmed that there is something causing my allergy symptoms, which could very likely be associated with food. So, my next undertaking is trying a Paleo diet. I've heard it can be very helpful for alleviating allergies and other issues. Paleo is dairy-free and gluten-free. I already try to stay away from dairy, but gluten-free is going to be new to me.  I'll post with more details later. This post is already ridiculously long!!

Thanks to those of you who have actually made it to the bottom. I feel like I need to hand out a prize or something!

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